Behinesazan Teb Abzar Novin Company

 has been operating as a technological unit in West Azarbaijan Science and Technology Park since 2017 with a license to design and manufacture laboratory and medical equipment and advanced machinery. This group has started its work by attracting capable and elite academic forces and creating a suitable platform for diversification in production and relying on domestic and local capabilities.

The problem of air pollution

One of the major problems of living in cities is air pollution. We may not be able to act quickly to clean the air on a large scale, but in private closed environments such as home and office spaces, we can use an efficient air purifier. The most important problem of air pollution is its effect on people’s health, which can lead to short-term and long-term complications and diseases

Air purifiers with different filters to purify all kinds of pollutants, as well as with various aeration capacities, can eliminate suspended particles and other microbial and allergenic pollution in the living environment.

Dealing with Corona

Since the beginning of the corona disease epidemic, it has become clear that this virus is also transmitted through the air and is the main method of disease transmission. It is interesting to know that air purifiers with HEPA filtration effectively absorb particles the size of the COVID-19 virus and much smaller.
